
Bershka Belgrade

Bershka in Belgrade in the BIG shopping center is the favorite shopping place of all young people and those who feel that way. With its wide range of fashionable clothes, shoes and accessories, this Spanish brand gives you the opportunity to express your uniqueness through bold street style. Visit us at the BIG shopping center and find bold clothes inspired by the latest fashion trends!

Contact info

Working hours: 10-22h

Contact info

Working hours: 10-22h

Special Offers

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  • BIG-centri-Slim-new1-380x235

    NOVO – Umbrella SLIM!

    Umbrella Slim – jedinstven model sa eksternim magnetnim punjačem što omogućava da vejp uvek i svuda bude spreman za upotrebu. Ovaj model je graciozan spoj metala i kože sa POD...

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