In our products, satisfaction can be found by both young and rebellious people who express their attitude and personality with their style, as well as those who strive for classic, eternally modern elegance.
In addition to clothes in our store, customers can find leather goods – belts, bags, wallets – with which they can spice up their everyday life. All items bear our signature – Faretti.
As the fashion icon herself, Marilyn Monroe, once said: Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world, we offer Paar shoes from domestic manufacturers that follow world trends. Great shoes can take you to great places.
On this journey of conquering the world, you will surely need at least one suitcase, so we thought about that too. You can find Samsonite suitcases and bags with exceptional quality.
To prove that our words are also deeds, we invite you to visit us. We’ll be waiting.