Dragi knjigoljupci, u vašoj Vulkan knjižari je počela nova akcija!🙂
📚 Odabrane knjige su na popustima od 40, 50 i 60% ! Ovo je prilika koju ne smete propustiti. Na akciji možete pronaći knjige različitih žanrova – ljubavne romane, popularnu...
With your love and trust, we succeed to become the leading brand on the territory of former Yugoslav republic which creates authentic underwear, sleeping program and beach program. Our effort to offer products of high quality to our customers is confirmed by many of awards and recognition. The fast tempo of everyday life, dictates the comfort in every moment, so Extreme Intimo is taking care that you feel comfortable, unsuspectingly and ecstatic. Today you can find over 100 our stores all over the 8 countries: Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Czech Republic and Russia.