
Yettel Kragujevac

Telenor Serbia is the part of the Telenor group, one of the greatest mobile operators worldwide, which has 211 millions of users on 13 markets. Telenor is the largest single investor in Serbia with starting investment of 1.53 billion EUR. With more than three million users, Telenor Serbia helps people to take advantage of modern communications. This company has 120 stores in 84 cities, about 1000 employees and it covers the whole population of Serbia with fast mobile internet connection.

Contact info

Working hours: 10-22h

Contact info

Working hours: 10-22h

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  • BIG-centri-Slim-new1-380x235

    NOVO – Umbrella SLIM!

    Umbrella Slim – jedinstven model sa eksternim magnetnim punjačem što omogućava da vejp uvek i svuda bude spreman za upotrebu. Ovaj model je graciozan spoj metala i kože sa POD...

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