Dragi knjigoljupci, u vašoj Vulkan knjižari je počela nova akcija!🙂
📚 Odabrane knjige su na popustima od 40, 50 i 60% ! Ovo je prilika koju ne smete propustiti. Na akciji možete pronaći knjige različitih žanrova – ljubavne romane, popularnu...
Domestic press
As a press distributor, we cooperate with all publishers in Serbia, therefore in our retail stores we offer the widest possible range of daily press and magazines.
Foreign press
INMEDIO and MEDIA PLUS shops offer the largest selection of daily, weekly, monthly and bimonthly newspapers.
Books and CD&DVD assortment
We offer the best-selling items, domestic and foreign, from these categories and we constantly follow the wishes of customers in terms of bestsellers, top 20 titles, latest movies and more.
We offer a wide assortment of confectionery – chocolates, chewing gum, bonbons, salty assortment, ice cream, as well as drinks – juices and water.
HDS monitors and respects laws aimed at reducing smoking and the sale of tobacco products. Despite the efforts of the state, the demand for tobacco products in Serbia is high and we strive to satisfy customers. Therefore, in our stores we can offer a complete range of tobacco products with a focus on the world’s biggest brands. In addition to cigarettes, we offer a large selection of other tobacco products, cigars and smoking accessories.
Service and other products
In INMEDIO and MEDIA PLUS stores, customers can find a wide selection of the most attractive everyday necessities – cosmetics, lighters, maps, guides, gifts, coffee and more. Lottery, phone cards and e-recharges are also available in our offer.