
Telekom Srbija Novi Sad

Telekom Srbija is the leader on the telecommunications market in Serbia that brings a unique and integrated experience to its customers. Operating in Serbia under the mts, Supernova and m:SAT TV brands, the company provides services in the sphere of mobile and fixed telephony, television and the Internet. By the introduction of new services and the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, the company tries to enable global connectivity and enrich people’s lives by creating conditions for excellent communication.

Contact info

S 07
Working hours: 10h - 22h

Contact info

S 07
Working hours: 10h - 22h

Special Offers

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  • BIG-centri-Slim-new1-1-380x235

    NOVO – Umbrella SLIM!

    Umbrella Slim – jedinstven model sa eksternim magnetnim punjačem što omogućava da vejp uvek i svuda bude spreman za upotrebu. Ovaj model je graciozan spoj metala i kože sa POD...

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