
Woby Haus Novi Sad

Woby Haus Company was founded in 1994. Our main business is retail and wholesale of different kinds of tool for professional and hobby needs, electric and manual. The head office of the Company is in Novi Sad, and beside the head office and marketplace seated in town center in Brace Ribnikar street, we have also the great sale and stockroom space on road “Rumenacki put”, as well as store in SC “BIG”. Also, we have six stores in Belgrade, on Savski Venac, on Zvezdara and on Vozdovac area, one in SC “Zmaj” in Zemun, one on New Belgrade – Tosin bunar and new-opened store in Ruzveltova street, two stores in Nis, one in Batajnica, Cacak (on circle road), also in towns: Jagodina, Kragujevac, Krusevac, Sabac, Kraljevo, Smederevo, Indjija, Pancevo, Leskovac, Novi Pazar, Uzice and Lazarevac.

Contact info

Working hours: 08h - 22h

Contact info

Working hours: 08h - 22h

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