
Xiaomi Store Novi Sad

Xiaomi Store Novi Sad is a store where you will find innovations from the world of electronics. Their offer includes the latest Xiaomi devices, from mobile phones to smart home devices. Visit the Xiaomi store in Novi Sad and choose amazing products that push the limits of the possible!

Contact info

Prvi sprat / B55
Working hours: 10h - 22h

Contact info

Prvi sprat / B55
Working hours: 10h - 22h

Special Offers

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  • BIG-centri-Slim-new1-1-380x235

    NOVO – Umbrella SLIM!

    Umbrella Slim – jedinstven model sa eksternim magnetnim punjačem što omogućava da vejp uvek i svuda bude spreman za upotrebu. Ovaj model je graciozan spoj metala i kože sa POD...

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We are offering mobile phones, home security systems, headsets and smartwaches as well as smart vacuum cleaners, kettles, smart scales, air purifies, electric scooters and Bluetooth speakers.

Customers will always be able to find attractive offers and promotions in our store.

